We all want to keep the Quinte area clean, healthy, and environmentally friendly, and recycling is key! Proper recycling reduces waste, conserves resources, and reduces pollution. In this blog post, you’ll find information about how recycling works in the Quinte area, including what is and is not recyclable and tips to keep the process easy and efficient.
Recycling Collection in the Quinte Area
Quinte Waste Solutions collects recycling in the Quinte area across nine municipalities. They provide curbside recycling collection services for residential properties and some businesses.
- Belleville
- Quinte west
- Prince Edward County
- Marmora & Lake
- Madoc Township
- Centre Hastings
- Stirling-Rawdon
- Tweed
- Tyendinaga Township

What is and is not Recyclable?
Let’s start with the basics of what can be recycled in the Quinte area. If you’re new to the area, you might find that recyclable items in your previous location aren’t recyclable here or vice versa. Even if you’ve lived here for a long time, you still might not know exactly what is and is not recyclable. While this list doesn’t cover every item, it is a good starting point for some of the more common items you might wonder about.
Recyclable Paper Products
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Office paper
- Junk mail
- Cardboard (flattened)
- Paper egg cartons
- Juice boxes and Tetra Paks
Non-recyclable paper products
- Napkins
- Paper towels
- Tissues
- Toilet paper
- Waxed paper
- Soiled or greasy paper (e.g., pizza boxes with food residue)
Recyclable Plastics
- Plastic bottles and containers labeled with recycling symbols #1, #2, #4, #5, and #6
- Detergent bottles
- Shampoo bottles
- Yogurt containers
- Juice and pop bottles
Non-Recyclable Plastics
- Plastic bottles and containers labeled with recycling symbols #3, #7, and #8
- All black plastics
- Bubble wrap
- Cutlery
- Old toys (consider donating!)
Recyclable Metals and Other Items
- Aluminum cans
- Tin cans
- Empty aerosol cans
- Aluminum foil
- White styrofoam
- Plastic bags and films
- Glass bottles and jars
Other Non-Recyclable Items
- Paper coffee cups and lids
- Broken glass
- Medical waste
- Wood
- Light bulbs
- Chip bags, granola bar and candy bar wrappers
- Clothing and textiles
Preparation Tips
- You need two blue boxes: a tall one for plastic and metal containers, and a short one for paper, glass, and plastic bags and film. Blue boxes are available at your local municipal office.
- Make sure everything is clean, particularly food containers and styrofoam. Soiled items cannot be recycled and belong in the garbage.
- Place glass jars and bottles on top of cardboard and paper products in the papers blue box.
- Plastic film and plastic bags should be collected in one tied plastic bag and also goes on top of paper products in the papers blue box.
- To ensure collection, place your blue boxes curbside before 7:00 a.m.
- If you can, crush your metal cans and plastic bottles to save space.
Hazardous and Electronic Waste
Quinte Waste Solutions offers additional recycling programs for items that are not accepted in the regular curbside collection. You can visit the Belleville Hazardous & Electronic Waste depot at 75 Wallbridge Crescent to drop off acceptable items, such as:
- Garage items like brake fluid, car wax, and windshield washer fluid
- Kitchen items like cooking oil and oven cleaners
- Bathroom items like makeup, toilet cleaners, and expired medications
- Pesticides and poisons
- Light bulbs and batteries
- Electronics such as computers, TVs, and radios
- Bleach, stain removers, and detergents

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