by Hillary Robert | May 12, 2022 | Buying, Market Updates, Selling
The average price of sold homes in the Quinte market dropped 12% from February to March of 2022, but is that a reflection of a crashing real estate market? All data points to no. Speculation over what will happen in the local, provincial, and national real estate...
by Hillary Robert | Apr 8, 2022 | Buying, Market Updates, Selling
A change in the market? It may seem like the market is changing after two years of heavy competition but don’t let that fool you into thinking home prices are dropping in the Quinte area, Trent Hills, and Prince Edward County. Spring market is here and with it comes...
by Hillary Robert | Sep 7, 2021 | Belleville, Brighton, Buying, Communities, Market Updates, Quinte West, Selling, Stirling, Trenton
Although fall doesn’t technically start until later in the month, many of us mark the season with Labour Day, kids going back to school, and life going back to “normal” after a few months of heat and bliss. With the shift to Fall, changes to the real estate market,...